On Sunday(230809), Mr Chok(my high school fren) invited me together visited KLCC sky bridge. KLCC skybridge is opened everyday except monday 8.30a.m until 5p.m. Free admin fee but everytime just allowed 1500 people to visit. Mr Chok and me 9a.m started to q a line to get our ticket because we late so we get 12.45p.m ticket for visit skybridge.
10min 3D movie about Malaysia PETRONAS before we go up to skybridge.
We at 41th floor KLCC SkyBridge. 10min only for visit!
The view from KLCC SkyBridge!

After visited SkyBride we go for our lunch at KLCC food court. Mr Chock recommended this beef rice plus soft drink RM8.90. Taste good.. I like it!! Who like to eat beef can try this restaurant.

Before we go back.. My favorite dessert.. STRAWBERRY CAKE!!